Payroll Operation Automation
Reconciliation is valuable to profitability and growth, ensuring that your payroll taxes and cash balances are in order. When they’re not, it can get expensive very quickly or become career and company defining and – and no one wants that!
Over-collection and under-collection: neither are good. TreasuryNotch wants to help you get it right. Anything less than full reconciliation, down to the client level and multiple times a day, is just smart. Reconciliation managed automatically removes expensive worker hours that can be prone to errors. After all, we’re human.
Balance Your Cash
TreasuryNotch allows you to monitor cash balances by automatically reconciling completed payments to transactions on your bank statement as they are posted, matching returns and reversals to the original payment.
TreasuryNotch also makes it easy to create and manage unique sub-accounts within your bank account to automatically attribute incoming payments.
Reconciling cash balances with the advantage of TreasuryNotch’s double-entry system allows for and corrects data from single-entry systems to guarantee balanced results.
Reporting Capability & Risk Management
TreasuryNotch’s reporting capability includes account reconciliation client-by-client, account reconciliation by bank, balanced bank tax account reporting, and balanced client by client tax account reporting, all with the advantage of a double entry system.
In addition, strong risk management and system controls include detailed out of balance reports by client and client by client audits conducted twice a year.
With sound accounting practices, compliant payments and payroll, your CPA is going to love you!